Natural Conception & Contraception
Natural Contraception & Conception

Jessie Brebner
Jessie spends her time working with people from all around the world to de-mystify the menstrual cycle. Jessie provides comprehensive, evidence-based education, resources and guidance to her clients as they transition off hormonal/non-hormonal contraceptives and onto the Symptothermal Method. Jessie can fully support you whether you are trying to conceive, trying to avoid pregnancy, or are interested in using the Symptothermal Method to track your hormonal health.

The Natural Blueprint
Our mission at The Natural Blueprint is to help you foster a newfound appreciation for the design of your body’s natural cycle, to introduce you to the basic principles of a scientifically proven, natural method for avoiding or achieving pregnancy, and to empower you to take control of your reproductive and holistic health. Traditional birth control methods can be invasive, incur unwanted side effects, and work in opposition of your body’s natural rhythms. Our course introduces you and your partner to a natural, science-based method to identify your fertile window by using your basal body temperature and tracking cervical fluid. Check out our website to learn more about an educational program that empowers you to uncover the design of your body’s natural cycle, discover a newfound love for your individual femininity, and self-advocate for your own reproductive health.