Functional Medicine Wellness Testing


Benefits of Functional Medicine Testing

A Metabolomic (Organic Acids) urine test can help us evaluate key pathways to target the support your body really needs- a personalized Functional Medicine approach! Our body is a complex, we should not guess what supplements one may need.

Find out what lifestyle modifications and supplements you need to increase energy levels, and eliminate fatigue, depression and anxiety. A look at collagen production to keep skin, hair and nails looking healthy. Answers to bloating, gas and general GI issues, sleep, how well your body is detoxing, and its indication toward chronic conditions such as diabetes.

The Metabolomics test can be taken annually to offer insight into biochemical dysfunctions that may be of concern since we can receive indications of disease up to 5 years before it manifests in the body.

This test will provide an in-depth assessment of many key areas of biochemistry and metabolism that are essential for human health and influenced by diet, nutrient status, toxin exposures, exercise, physiologic demands, genetics, gut microbiome alterations, or a discorded health sate.

A Spotlight on these Key Areas of Health:

  • Metabolic and macronutrient processing
  • Mitochondrial function and micronutrient status
  • Amino acid, protein, and neurotransmitter metabolism
  • Inflammatory response and oxidative stress
  • Detoxification and microbial metabolites
  • Stress, mood, and overall well-being
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Clarity Foundational Health Package


  • A 60 Minute Introductory Session to review your health history and health goals.
  • A Metabolomic Spotlight Test (Urine Analysis) through DSL Labs & Designs for Health Functional Medicine Support Team.
  • A 60 Minute Follow up Session reviewing the test results and lifestyle/supplement recommendations. We will discuss your short-term goals that will help you achieve your long-term health vision.
  • Investment: $525.00

Gain Clarity Here

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Nurtured Foundational Health Package

This course is for you if you are feeling overwhelmed where to start, dealing with a health challenge, feeling depleted, lacking confidence in what next steps to take, or needing additional support to unpack your health vision.


  • A 60-minute Introductory Session to review your health history and health goals.
  • A Metabolomic Spotlight Test (Urine Analysis) through DSL Labs & Designs for Health Functional Medicine Support Team.
  • 4- 60 minute follow up sessions including reviewing the test results and lifestyle/supplement recommendations, short-term goals that will help you achieve your long-term health vision, progress, mindset shits, challenges, resources and tools.
  • Investment: $925

Feel Nurtured Here