Fertile Ground Program

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Fertile Ground: A 5 Week Program to Optimize your Fertility by Reducing Toxins

Everyday toxins are known to contribute to a variety of health concerns including infertility, hormone disruption, resistant weight loss, skin issues, gut issues, autoimmune conditions, allergies, diabetes, cancer and more. The problem is that nobody prepares you for this reality or teaches you how to educate yourself and improve your health with ease and confidence.

If it was not for my Acupuncturist that was consulting me on many things beyond acupuncture, I would have been lost. I don't want any woman to be lost, insecure, overwhelmed, misinformed, in the dark, or waste time and money on fertility treatments that may fail due to body systems not functioning properly. Hindsight 20/20, I needed this course as a wedding gift! Most of us have timelines, ideas, plans in mind- I get it! You don't have to adhere to the old rule to "try to conceive for a year" before you take action. Start now, create your FERTILE GROUND and optimize your fertility!

Knowing that you are taking the right steps to optimize your health and fertility will help you gain confidence, clarity, and insight leaving you empowered to lay your foundational health to ensure your hormone health, metabolic health, immune system, gut health, and detox pathways are all working optimally!

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Who is this Program Designed for?

Fertile Ground is a 5-week live group program that will provide you will the education, tools, and support that you need to begin to eliminate toxins in your food, cookware, personal care products, cleaning products, and air. Your family, co-workers, or even spouse may not fully understand, but you have a group of like-minded women on the same journey with you, and we make it fun!

This program is for you if you are:

  • Aware toxins are a problem
  • Skeptical if toxins play a role in your health, but willing to learn more
  • Health conscious
  • Trying to conceive
  • Want to optimize your health
  • Experiencing infertility
  • Having hormone imbalances
  • Experiencing PCOS, Endometriosis, or PMDD, or unexplained infertility
  • A young woman that would like to optimize your reproductive health
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Fertile Ground Program at a Glance

WEEK 1 Understanding Environmental Toxins, your Health, and Hidden Exposures from our Food: In the first week, we'll dive into why it's so important for us to address environmental exposures, how much they're costing us, and why we can't "detox" our way out of this problem. You'll learn about hidden toxicant exposures found in some of our healthiest foods: fruits, vegetables, fresh meat & seafood, and dairy products.

WEEK 2 Clean Kitchen: In this session, you'll learn about the sneaky places where harmful toxicants are hiding out in food packaging, food storage, cookware, and basic kitchen items. You'll leave with an action plan on how to minimize toxic exposures in the busiest room in the house!

WEEK 3 Not So Pretty: We'll shift our focus to the bathroom, highlighting toxic chemicals commonly found in personal care products and beauty practices. We debunk myths about skincare and personal care product regulation, empowering you with the knowledge to make safer shopping choices confidently.

WEEK 4 Cleaning House: We discuss the risks associated with conventional household cleaners and provide steps to simplify your cleaning routine. This lesson will save you money while creating a healthier, safer home environment for you and your family. You'll leave this lesson with a clear list of the top chemicals of concern, along with recommendations for brands that make effective and non-toxic cleaners.

WEEK 5 Clearing the Air: We will explore the primary contributors to poor indoor air quality and what steps you can take to quickly and inexpensively improve your indoor air. You'll also learn about what to look for in a quality air filter and how to make low-cost emergency air filters for unexpected situations.

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What you Will Gain from this Program

You will have the tools to confidently reduce your exposure to toxins in your environment

Lower risk factors for chronic health issues

Improve your fertility optimization

Create a safe home for your loved ones

Feel better!

Become an informed consumer that can cut through all the BS (Bad Stuff) on labels

Reduce anxiety and depression around your fertility & health

The knowledge, guidance, reassurance, and tools you gain from this program will allow you to maintain healthy relationships, keep thriving at your career, and focus on living your best life with less stress!

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You Will Walk Away with These Amazing Tools!

Low-Tox Home Inventory Checklist: Checklist to identify items in your home that may need replacing, with product & behavior change recommendations.

Ingredient Watchlist: A compilation of common chemicals found in household products, personal care items, food packaging, and their potential health effects.

Shopping Guide for Safer Products: Criteria for selecting safer alternatives to common household products like cleaning supplies, personal care products, and cosmetics.

Simple Everyday Detoxification: Tips for optimizing your body's natural detoxification capacity.

Meal Planning & Cooking Tips for Minimizing Chemical Exposure: Guidance on food preparation and storage to lower potential exposure to chemicals.

Everyday Low-Tox Resources: Websites, apps, and browser extensions to help you locate safer, less toxic products.

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Save your Spot Today, Spaces are Limited!

The Fertile Ground 5-week group program starts on Thursday January 9th and ends on Thursday February 6th.

The live sessions will be from 6:00-7:30PM. If you cannot make a session, no problem! You will receive recordings of each class. You will also receive an invaluable tool/ hand-out each session!

The program cost is $395.00 to help you lay your Fertile Ground and optimize your health! After you enroll, check your mail for your FREE GIFT of a variety of products from my favorite clean, small business, personal care product brand-Pantry Products!

I want you to see there is so much good in this world, we just have to heighten our awareness of the bad, and demand better!

Looking forward to growing together!

